Sunday, September 13, 2015

September 13, 2015: Belmont Park Pick 6, Woodbine Selections & More; Video: Week 1 NFL Predictions

Carryover Wager Type Track Date
$40,617 Pick 6 Belmont Park Sep 13
$1,037 Pick 4 Prairie Meadows Sep 13
$777 Pick 5 Prairie Meadows Sep 13
$2,816 Pick 5 Fort Erie Sep 13
$2,354 Hi 5 Fort Erie Sep 13
$953 Pick 6 Presque Isle Downs Sep 13
$19,018 Hi 5 JP Woodbine Sep 13
$32,043 Pick 6 JP Hastings Racecourse Sep 13
$1,256 Pick 6 JP Monmouth Park Sep 13
$1,522 Hi 5 Rideau Carleton Sep 13
$233 Hi 5 JP Century Downs Sep 13
$112 Pick 6 JP Century Downs Sep 13
$2,129 Pick 6 JP Stockton Sep 13
$2,440 Hi 5 JP Stockton Sep 13
$1,202 Pick 7 JP Churchill Downs Sep 13
$4,542 Pick 6 Churchill Downs Sep 13
$582 Pick 6 JP Laurel Park Sep 13
$1,150 Hi 5 Laurel Park Sep 13
$5,400 Pick 5 Laurel Park Sep 13
$11,663 Pick 6 JP Gulfstream Park Sep 13
$149,982 Hi 5 JP Mohawk Sep 14
$4,551 Pick 6 JP Mohawk Sep 14
$895 Pick 5 Batavia Downs Sep 15
$444 Pick 6 Batavia Downs Sep 15
$3,791 Pick 6 Indiana Downs Sep 15
$10,000 Hi 5 JP Northlands Park Sep 16
$9,616 Pick 5 JP Louisiana Downs Sep 16
$187,877 Hi 5 JP Arlington Sep 17
$20,612 Pick 6 JP Arlington Sep 17
$578 Pick 5 Freehold Raceway Sep 18
Carryover amounts are in $USD. Though possible errors sometimes occur, strong efforts are made to make sure the above information is as accurate and as complete as possible.

Free Past Performances Online: USTA Strategic Wagering - select daily Harness Racing PPs for horizontal wagers (pick 5's etc.) Whobets Past Performances - Select Thoroughbred PPs International Past Performances - Australia, UK, Ireland, South Africa, etc. Graded Stake Race Free Past Performances

Dave Dameshek's Week 1 Predictions | NFL:

GET REBATES TO INCREASE YOUR CHANCES! If you bet on horse racing online, you should consider playing on legal sites that give decent daily and monthly rewards like (BET $80 GET $60 NEW PLAYER BONUS available). If you are wager horse at ADW sites such as or, and live in a jurisdiction that are ADW friendly, you are most likely leaving money on the table. You might be making it unnecessarily harder on yourself to beat the game.

Horse Racing's Two Biggest Obstacles To Growth: Takeout and Drugs

Woodbine Selections for Today:
Jim Bannon's Journal
Racing Dudes

Saturday, September 12, 2015

Horse Racing Carryovers For September 12, 2015; Video: Casino Wars - Beating Vegas (Gambling Documentary)

Carryover Wager Type Track Date
$9,425 Pick 6 Los Alamitos Sep 12
$10,458 Hi 5 Los Alamitos Sep 12
$13,982 Hi 5 JP Woodbine Sep 12
$9,313 Hi 5 JP Northlands Park Sep 12
$6,977 Pick 5 JP Louisiana Downs Sep 12
$28,317 Pick 6 JP Hastings Racecourse Sep 12
$7,033 Pick 5 Balmoral Park Sep 12
$2,453 Pick 4 Red Mile Sep 12
$879 Pick 5 Red Mile Sep 12
$3,060 Hi 5 Red Mile Sep 12
$4,097 Hi 5 JP Flamboro Downs Sep 12
$132,203 Hi 5 JP Mohawk Sep 12
$1,734 Pick 6 JP Mohawk Sep 12
$334 Pick 4 Scioto Downs Sep 12
$429 Pick 4 Century Downs Sep 12
$1,176 Pick 5 Saratoga Harness Sep 12
$895 Pick 5 Batavia Downs Sep 12
$444 Pick 6 Batavia Downs Sep 12
$902 Pick 6 Stockton Sep 12
$3,151 Pick 6 Indiana Downs Sep 12
$3,151 Pick 7 JP Churchill Downs Sep 12
$435 Hi 5 Churchill Downs Sep 12
$2,743 Pick 6 Churchill Downs Sep 12
$1,828 Hi 5 Churchill Downs Sep 12
$18,524 Hi 5 JP Arlington Park Sep 12
$164,891 Pick 6 JP Arlington Park Sep 12
$4,849 Pick 6 JP Gulfstream Park Sep 12
$2,816 Pick 5 Fort Erie Sep 13
$2,354 Hi 5 Fort Erie Sep 13
$953 Pick 6 Presque Isle Downs Sep 13
Carryover amounts are in $USD. Though possible errors sometimes occur, strong efforts are made to make sure the above information is as accurate and as complete as possible.

Free Past Performances Online: USTA Strategic Wagering - select daily Harness Racing PPs for horizontal wagers (pick 5's etc.) Whobets Past Performances - Select Thoroughbred PPs International Past Performances - Australia, UK, Ireland, South Africa, etc. Graded Stake Race Free Past Performances

Casino Wars - Beating Vegas (Gambling Documentary):

GET REBATES TO INCREASE YOUR CHANCES! If you bet on horse racing online, you should consider playing on legal sites that give decent daily and monthly rewards like (BET $80 GET $60 NEW PLAYER BONUS available). If you are wager horse at ADW sites such as or, and live in a jurisdiction that are ADW friendly, you are most likely leaving money on the table. You might be making it unnecessarily harder on yourself to beat the game.

Horse Racing's Two Biggest Obstacles To Growth: Takeout and Drugs

Friday, September 11, 2015

Horse Racing Carryovers For September 11, 2015; Video: History of The Game, Belmont Park

Carryover Wager Type Track Date
$4,108 Pick 6 Los Alamitos Sep 11
$9,049 Hi 5 JP Woodbine Sep 11
$8,167 Hi 5 JP Northlands Park Sep 11
$5,543 Pick 5 JP Louisiana Downs Sep 11
$132,203 Hi 5 JP Mohawk Sep 11
$464 Pick 4 Scioto Downs Sep 11
$13,583 Pick 6 JP Century Downs Sep 11
$4,289 Hi 5 JP Century Downs Sep 11
$377 Pick 5 Saratoga Harness Sep 11
$314 Pick 5 Batavia Downs Sep 11
$353 Pick 6 Batavia Downs Sep 11
$2,741 Pick 6 Indiana Downs Sep 11
$15,473 Hi 5 JP Arlington Park Sep 11
$147,542 Pick 6 JP Arlington Park Sep 11
$28,317 Pick 6 JP Hastings Racecourse Sep 12
$7,033 Pick 5 Balmoral Park Sep 12
$879 Pick 5 Red Mile Sep 12
$3,060 Hi 5 Red Mile Sep 12
$4,097 Hi 5 JP Flamboro Downs Sep 12
$2,816 Pick 5 Fort Erie Sep 13
$2,354 Hi 5 Fort Erie Sep 13
$953 Pick 6 Presque Isle Downs Sep 13
Carryover amounts are in $USD. Though possible errors sometimes occur, strong efforts are made to make sure the above information is as accurate and as complete as possible.

Free Past Performances Online: USTA Strategic Wagering - select daily Harness Racing PPs for horizontal wagers (pick 5's etc.) Whobets Past Performances - Select Thoroughbred PPs International Past Performances - Australia, UK, Ireland, South Africa, etc. Graded Stake Race Free Past Performances

History of The Game, Belmont Park:

GET REBATES TO INCREASE YOUR CHANCES! If you bet on horse racing online, you should consider playing on legal sites that give decent daily and monthly rewards like (BET $80 GET $60 NEW PLAYER BONUS available). If you are wager horse at ADW sites such as or, and live in a jurisdiction that are ADW friendly, you are most likely leaving money on the table. You might be making it unnecessarily harder on yourself to beat the game.

Horse Racing's Two Biggest Obstacles To Growth: Takeout and Drugs

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Horse Racing Carryovers For September 10, 2015; Video: 2015 DFS Fantasy Football: Week 1 DraftKings Picks

Carryover Wager Type Track Date
$720 Pick 6 Presque Isle Downs Sep 10
$2,882 Pick 5 JP Louisiana Downs Sep 10
$3,639 Hi 5 JP Flamboro Downs Sep 10
$845 Pick 4 Harrington Raceway Sep 10
$1,023 Pick 5 Monticello Raceway Sep 10
$123,893 Hi 5 JP Mohawk Sep 10
$4,782 Pick 6 JP Mohawk Sep 10
$815 Pick 5 The Meadows Sep 10
$12,642 Hi 5 JP Arlington Park Sep 10
$126,737 Pick 6 JP Arlington Park Sep 10
$4,108 Pick 6 Los Alamitos Sep 11
$9,049 Hi 5 JP Woodbine Sep 11
$8,167 Hi 5 JP Northlands Park Sep 11
$13,583 Pick 6 JP Century Downs Sep 11
$4,289 Hi 5 JP Century Downs Sep 11
$314 Pick 5 Batavia Downs Sep 11
$353 Pick 6 Batavia Downs Sep 11
$2,741 Pick 6 Indiana Downs Sep 11
$28,317 Pick 6 JP Hastings Racecourse Sep 12
$7,033 Pick 5 Balmoral Park Sep 12
$2,816 Pick 5 Fort Erie Sep 13
$2,354 Hi 5 Fort Erie Sep 13
Carryover amounts are in $USD. Though possible errors sometimes occur, strong efforts are made to make sure the above information is as accurate and as complete as possible.

Free Past Performances Online: USTA Strategic Wagering - select daily Harness Racing PPs for horizontal wagers (pick 5's etc.) Whobets Past Performances - Select Thoroughbred PPs International Past Performances - Australia, UK, Ireland, South Africa, etc. Graded Stake Race Free Past Performances

2015 DFS Fantasy Football: Week 1 DraftKings Picks, Sleepers & Preview - Cash Game & GPP:

GET REBATES TO INCREASE YOUR CHANCES! If you bet on horse racing online, you should consider playing on legal sites that give decent daily and monthly rewards like (BET $80 GET $60 NEW PLAYER BONUS available). If you are wager horse at ADW sites such as or, and live in a jurisdiction that are ADW friendly, you are most likely leaving money on the table. You might be making it unnecessarily harder on yourself to beat the game.

Horseplayer Monthly September Issue (free e-magazine):
"We look back at the Travers, Horseplayers give their comments on potential US Anti-Doping Agency oversight of horse racing, Jonathan Stettin says horse racing is not dead, Neal Benoit speaks to trainer Tom Morley, Mike Dorr is back with a handy ten-point handicapping process and talks about the need for racing to improve the data product. Additionally, Vin Rogers tells you about the Theory of Everything, Rich Nilsen discusses what to do when you come to a fork in the road, Craig Milkowski from TimeformUS answers some questions, and we check on the "bounce" in harness racing."

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

September 9, 2015; Finger Lakes Pick 5 Carryover and More; Video: Tom Durkin, Life After The Races

Carryover Wager Type Track Date
$7,965 Pick 5 Finger Lakes Sep 9
$368 Pick 6 Presque Isle Downs Sep 9
$963 Pick 5 JP Louisiana Downs Sep 9
$722 Pick 5 Saratoga Harness Sep 9
$248 Pick 6 Batavia Downs Sep 9
$607 Pick 5 Scioto Downs Sep 9
$2,440 Hi 5 JP Grand River Raceway Sep 9
$731 Pick 6 Running Aces Sep 9
$1,989 Pick 6 Indiana Downs Sep 9
$123,893 Hi 5 JP Mohawk Sep 10
$4,782 Pick 6 JP Mohawk Sep 10
$126,737 Pick 6 JP Arlington Park Sep 10
$4,108 Pick 6 Los Alamitos Sep 11
$9,049 Hi 5 JP Woodbine Sep 11
$8,167 Hi 5 JP Northlands Park Sep 11
$13,583 Pick 6 JP Century Downs Sep 11
$4,289 Hi 5 JP Century Downs Sep 11
$28,317 Pick 6 JP Hastings Racecourse Sep 12
$7,033 Pick 5 Balmoral Park Sep 12
$2,354 Pick 5 Fort Erie Sep 13
$7,033 Hi 5 Fort Erie Sep 13
Carryover amounts are in $USD. Though possible errors sometimes occur, strong efforts are made to make sure the above information is as accurate and as complete as possible.

Free Past Performances Online: USTA Strategic Wagering - select daily Harness Racing PPs for horizontal wagers (pick 5's etc.) Whobets Past Performances - Select Thoroughbred PPs International Past Performances - Australia, UK, Ireland, South Africa, etc. Graded Stake Race Free Past Performances

Tom Durkin: Life After the Races:

GET REBATES TO INCREASE YOUR CHANCES! If you bet on horse racing online, you should consider playing on legal sites that give decent daily and monthly rewards like (BET $80 GET $60 NEW PLAYER BONUS available). If you are wager horse at ADW sites such as or, and live in a jurisdiction that are ADW friendly, you are most likely leaving money on the table. You might be making it unnecessarily harder on yourself to beat the game.

Horseplayer Monthly September Issue (free e-magazine):
"We look back at the Travers, Horseplayers give their comments on potential US Anti-Doping Agency oversight of horse racing, Jonathan Stettin says horse racing is not dead, Neal Benoit speaks to trainer Tom Morley, Mike Dorr is back with a handy ten-point handicapping process and talks about the need for racing to improve the data product. Additionally, Vin Rogers tells you about the Theory of Everything, Rich Nilsen discusses what to do when you come to a fork in the road, Craig Milkowski from TimeformUS answers some questions, and we check on the "bounce" in harness racing."

Finger Lakes selections: Racing Dudes

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Horse Racing Carryovers For September 8, 2015; Video: Lasix Forum, Saratoga New York

Carryover Wager Type Track Date
$84 Pick 6 Presque Isle Downs Sep 8
$112,860 Hi 5 JP Mohawk Sep 8
$3,536 Pick 6 JP Mohawk Sep 8
$1,567 Hi 5 JP Flamboro Downs Sep 8
$869 Pick 4 Running Aces Sep 8
$403 Pick 6 Running Aces Sep 8
$680 Pick 6 Indiana Downs Sep 8
$311 Pick 5 Hoosier Park Sep 8
$1,278 Pick 6 Indiana Downs Sep 8
$963 Pick 5 JP Louisiana Downs Sep 9
$722 Pick 5 Saratoga Harness Sep 9
$248 Pick 6 Batavia Downs Sep 9
$607 Pick 5 Scioto Downs Sep 9
$126,737 Pick 6 JP Arlington Park Sep 10
$4,108 Pick 6 Los Alamitos Sep 11
$8,167 Hi 5 JP Northlands Park Sep 11
$13,583 Pick 6 JP Century Downs Sep 11
$4,289 Hi 5 JP Century Downs Sep 11
$28,317 Pick 6 JP Hastings Racecourse Sep 12
$7,033 Pick 5 Balmoral Park Sep 12
Carryover amounts are in $USD. Though possible errors sometimes occur, strong efforts are made to make sure the above information is as accurate and as complete as possible.

Free Past Performances Online: USTA Strategic Wagering - select daily Harness Racing PPs for horizontal wagers (pick 5's etc.) Whobets Past Performances - Select Thoroughbred PPs International Past Performances - Australia, UK, Ireland, South Africa, etc. Graded Stake Race Free Past Performances

Lasix Forum, Saratoga New York:

GET REBATES TO INCREASE YOUR CHANCES! If you bet on horse racing online, you should consider playing on legal sites that give decent daily and monthly rewards like (BET $80 GET $60 NEW PLAYER BONUS available). If you are wager horse at ADW sites such as or, and live in a jurisdiction that are ADW friendly, you are most likely leaving money on the table. You might be making it unnecessarily harder on yourself to beat the game.

Horseplayer Monthly September Issue (free e-magazine):
"We look back at the Travers, Horseplayers give their comments on potential US Anti-Doping Agency oversight of horse racing, Jonathan Stettin says horse racing is not dead, Neal Benoit speaks to trainer Tom Morley, Mike Dorr is back with a handy ten-point handicapping process and talks about the need for racing to improve the data product. Additionally, Vin Rogers tells you about the Theory of Everything, Rich Nilsen discusses what to do when you come to a fork in the road, Craig Milkowski from TimeformUS answers some questions, and we check on the "bounce" in harness racing."

Monday, September 7, 2015

September 7, 2015: Whopper Pool Expected For Saratoga Pick 6, Tracks Ending Their Season Means Mandatory Payoffs; Video: Was American Pharoah Overworked?

Carryover Wager Type Track Date
$448,913 Pick 6* Saratoga Sep 7
$142,692 Pick 6* Del Mar Sep 7
$1,310 Pick 6* Ellis Park Sep 7
$4,937 Hi 5 JP Woodbine Sep 7
$4,312 Hi 5 JP Assiniboia Downs Sep 7
$3,999 Pick 6 JP Monmouth Park Sep 7
$25,213 Pick 6 JP Hastings Racecourse Sep 7
$6,509 Hi 5 JP Northlands Park Sep 7
$455 Pick 5 JP Louisiana Downs Sep 7
$12,323 Pick 6 JP Century Downs Sep 7
$2,678 Hi 5 JP Century Downs Sep 7
$101,959 Hi 5 JP Mohawk Sep 7
$2,658 Pick 6 JP Mohawk Sep 7
$939 Hi 5 Scioto Downs Sep 7
$323 Pick 5 Scioto Downs Sep 7
$778 Pick 5 Batavia Downs Sep 7
$176 Pick 6 Batavia Downs Sep 7
$502 Hi 5 JP Grand River Raceway Sep 7
$7,950 Tri Super* Ruidoso Downs Sep 7
$25,051 Pick 6 JP* Golden Gate Fields Sep 7
$44,548 Pick 5* Golden Gate Fields Sep 7
$110,947 Pick 6 JP Arlington Park Sep 7
$11,672 Hi 5 Gulfstream Park Sep 7
$662,401 Pick 6 JP Gulfstream Park Sep 7
$403 Pick 6 Running Aces Sep 8
$680 Pick 6 Indiana Downs Sep 8
$311 Pick 5 Hoosier Park Sep 8
$1,278 Pick 6 Indiana Downs Sep 8
$722 Pick 5 Saratoga Harness Sep 8
$7,033 Pick 5 Balmoral Park Sep 12
*Mandatory Payouts
Carryover amounts are in $USD. Though possible errors sometimes occur, strong efforts are made to make sure the above information is as accurate and as complete as possible.

Free Past Performances Online: USTA Strategic Wagering - select daily Harness Racing PPs for horizontal wagers (pick 5's etc.) Whobets Past Performances - Select Thoroughbred PPs International Past Performances - Australia, UK, Ireland, South Africa, etc. Graded Stake Race Free Past Performances

American Pharoah Travers defeat... overworked?

GET PLAYER REWARDS TO INCREASE YOUR CHANCES! If you bet on horse racing online, you should consider playing on legal sites that give decent daily and monthly rewards like (BET $80 GET $60 NEW PLAYER BONUS available).

Horseplayer Monthly September Issue (free e-magazine):
"We look back at the Travers, Horseplayers give their comments on potential US Anti-Doping Agency oversight of horse racing, Jonathan Stettin says horse racing is not dead, Neal Benoit speaks to trainer Tom Morley, Mike Dorr is back with a handy ten-point handicapping process and talks about the need for racing to improve the data product. Additionally, Vin Rogers tells you about the Theory of Everything, Rich Nilsen discusses what to do when you come to a fork in the road, Craig Milkowski from TimeformUS answers some questions, and we check on the "bounce" in harness racing."

Kentucky Downs Horseplayer Friendly?: Not 100%, as they are not on some ADW betting menus.

Saratoga Picks For Today:
TimeFormUS Analysis
Nick Tammmaro's Selections and Analysis
Racing Dudes